Nigerian trader’s integrity restores trust in crypto

The act of goodwill has gone viral on social media, restoring Nigerians’ trust in the crypto community.

Femi Akinola, a Nigerian cryptocurrency trader, returned 90 Solana tokens worth $14,000 that were mistakenly sent to him by a foreign trader. His honest act garnered widespread praise and led to gifts totaling over 35 SOL from members of the crypto community.

In an interview with Cointelegraph, Akinola explained that a crypto trader known as @raffayalvi “RAF” on the X social platform had intended to send him $100 in Solana (SOL) tokens as part of a giveaway but accidentally transferred 100 SOL, worth approximately 20 million in Nigeria’s fiat currency.

Realizing his mistake, RAF contacted the recipient, Femi, and requested the return of 90 SOL while allowing him to keep 10 SOL as a gesture of goodwill. According to RAF’s post on X, he was astonished when Femi honored the request and promptly returned the 90 SOL.

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