Koii Releases Finnie Wallet NFT Browser Extension Beta 

Coinspeaker Koii Releases Finnie Wallet NFT Browser Extension Beta  Koii, the blockchain media platform built on Arweave permanent storage, announced today it has released the first NFT wallet that allows users to permanently store and earn crypto from their NFTs as a browser extension. The “Finnie Wallet” revolutionizes the way users collect and create NFTs. […]

Dogecoin Co-Founder Criticizes Crypto World, States It Is Managed by Powerful Cartels

In a recent twitterstorm, Dogecoin founder co-founder Jordan Palmer stated he wouldn’t return to the cryptocurrency world. Palmer unleashed harsh criticisms of the cryptocurrency industry, calling it “hyper capitalistic,” and managed by “powerful cartels” of wealthy figures. Palmer created Dogecoin along with Billy Markus back in 2013 as a joke, making fun of the crypto […]

Unifi Protocol Creates a Combination of DeFi and Blockchain Staking with Acquisition of Multi-chain staking provider

Coinspeaker Unifi Protocol Creates a Combination of DeFi and Blockchain Staking with Acquisition of Multi-chain staking provider Unifi Protocol is proud to be the first DeFi platform to create a blended ecosystem of DeFi and blockchain node staking rewards. Exisitng nodes on 6 blockchains will join with Unifi’s existing 7 chain DeFi ecosystem. Blockchain validation […]