Cardano (ADA) Founder Charles Hoskinson Shares His Opinion on the Bitcoin Mining Drama in China

Charles Hoskinson recalls that proof of stake (PoS) systems are more mobile and can therefore be deployed anywhere in the world.
In his latest tweet, Mr. Hoskinson compared Proof of stake (PoS) and Proof of work (PoW) systems. This is due to the fact that Chinese miners are going through difficult days in search of an opportunity to move their business out of China.

“I wish the Chinese miners the best of luck”

Hoskinson stressed that PoS systems allow their operators to deploy servers anywhere in the world using only the command line. As a result, regulatory repression will never be a problem for PoS blockchains like Cardano (ADA).

He Said on Twitter.

Remember with a Proof of Stake system, you can move your server deployment anywhere in the world via the command line. I wish the Chinese miners the best of luck relocating all their extensive mining equipment somewhere else– Charles Hoskinson (@IOHK_Charles) May 24, 2021

Meanwhile, Mr. Hoskinson wished the Chinese miners “good luck” in exporting mining equipment from the PRC. As previously reported, according to insider information, the outflow of miners from China has already begun.

Kazakhstan and Pakistan are named among the most viable alternatives for deploying Chinese mining equipment. In addition, some analysts foresee an invasion of Africa, Mongolia and Afghanistan by the Chinese mining giants.

Originally published at on May 25, 2021.

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Cardano (ADA) Founder Charles Hoskinson Shares His Opinion on the Bitcoin Mining Drama in China was originally published in The Capital on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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