Lessons from CertiK's dispute with Kraken

White hat hacking is a crucial component of cybersecurity, but it can come with controversy — as CertiK and Kraken recently illustrated.

White hat hacking, or ethical hacking, is a crucial component of cybersecurity. It’s hacking that allows “good guys” to dissect applications, report security vulnerabilities to vendors, and use the information to improve the ecosystem’s security posture. 

This is not a unique concept in blockchain. it exists in places including the cloud, artificial intelligence, operating system security and more. However, in all cases, vendors and security researchers have created a delicate but powerful relationship based on the balancing act of trust.

In the blockchain space, auditors such as Trail of Bits, Halborn, and Open Zeppelin have been analyzing and repairing various smart contracts for years and have operated with utmost professionalism, building a strong sense of trust.

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