Why You Shouldn’t Be Worried About A Bitcoin Ban

Although they may seem threatening, bans on Bitcoin have never worked and will continue to be circumvented by the network. Worried About A Ban? Then You Need Bitcoin More Than You Think Skeptics often argue that governments will ban Bitcoin when it becomes too important and threatens national sovereignty. At least these critics understand Bitcoin’s […]

Goldman Sachs leads $15M investment round for Coin Metrics

The investment firm is reportedly preparing to make cryptocurrencies available to its clients in the second quarter of 2021. Blockchain analytics firm Coin Metrics has raised $15 million in a funding found led by financial giant Goldman Sachs. In an announcement today, Coin Metrics said Goldman Sachs, Castle Island Ventures, Highland Capital Partners, Fidelity Investments, […]

Climate Change Targets Bitcoin Mining: NY Lawmaker Proposes 3-Year Moratorium on Mining Operations in the State

U.S. bureaucrats, particularly Democrats, are concerned about climate change and have introduced lots of legislation in order to address these concerns. Now a lawmaker from New York wants to establish a moratorium for bitcoin mining facilities located in the state, which means cryptocurrency miners in New York would have to halt operations. Senator Kevin Parker […]

Coinbase Transparency Report — H2 2020

Coinbase Transparency Report — H2 2020 Coinbase is proud to publish our second Transparency Report, covering the period from July 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020. The goal of this report is to keep our customers informed about requests for customer information we receive from government agencies and law enforcement, along with where they come from, and how […]