Towards the World for Integration

An inevitable process that changes our lives. Forever.

Since trade started to occur between nations, integration occurred regionally. But it was limited due to being time-consuming and unsafe to keep the goods flowing in these times. However, integration occurred at an increasing rate throughout history as technology and terms became better. Here, we’ll have a look towards the world of integration.

Before we start, what is integration?

According to the definition from Cambridge Dictionary, integration is defined: “the action or process of combining two or more things effectively.” Despite the topics of integration may vary, they generally occur for economic reasons.

How modern integration started?

The integration we see has started since the Industrial Revolution and continued throughout this century. One of the main results of the Industrial Revolution was integrating industrial centers and harbors with steamships and railways. This would create a world where trade flows and thrives so that economic integration would continue deeper through societies. But this would be canceled by two World Wars that destroyed pretty much the Western World. At this moment, integration has stopped until the end of the Second World War. This would mark another chapter as NATO, United Nations, Warsaw Pact, and European Union was founded in the second half of the last century. And the world would rebuild itself from two World Wars where pretty much all the developed world got destroyed from constant conflict.

When technology came into play

When major factions in the second world war were competing in cutting edge weapons technology, they didn’t have an idea that would allow further technological advances towards the global good. However, British experiments at the National Physics Institution would result in two different technologies: computer science and artificial intelligence. Since computer science was founded, developments in artificial intelligence started to follow towards automation and robotics. Still, it showed signs that it wouldn’t stop and influence all aspects. Consequently, many algorithms being developed to automate many of the jobs available in our society. But, 2009 had changed the tide forever with blockchain. This would lead to generating trust between conflicting parties in an immutable way that no other party would easily hack the whole system. And blockchain would further allow integration in a way that irreversibly progresses through total global integration.

According to you, should societies integrate globally? Does integration benefit societies? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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Towards the World for Integration was originally published in The Capital on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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