Digital Banking Transformation

Essentials to a successful upgrade

The growth of internet-based digital financial services called fintechs that specialize in various traditional bank services and solutions are the latest client engagements that are sending traditional banks into a frenzy of going digital in hopes of halting an imminent switching in customer base loyalties. But there is more to adopting digital features overnight just to look and feel digital. A traditional bank cannot be digital in an instant. Serious considerations must be taken into account as careful planning and strategic implementations are imperative in digitalizing an organization entailing substantial costs in set-up, maintenance, and personnel, among others, not to mention a challenging change in organizational mindset and culture.

Different priorities and objectives motivate banks to initiate technological transformation. While some may focus on customer experience, reduction of costs, and frictions, others may look at streamlining operations and becoming more agile, or still, others target an increase in profitability. Even if traditional models built through the years have entrenched and siloed banking mentality making digital upgrades a complex case to implement, these objectives will see these transformations through without trampling on proven company values and traditions.

No matter the shape and size of a financial organization in matters of structure, culture, objective, customer niche, and digital maturity, categorical factors needed inclusion across differences in treading the digital space:

Leadership and Organizational Culture

Before anything else gets started, it is essential that the mindset of the organization from the top down has been firmly set and geared towards digital transformation. This includes company values and leadership behaviors in cadence to impending changes, improvements, or elimination to prevent unnecessary friction due to misunderstandings and miscommunication. Resistance may occur but enlightening the whole workforce, management, and leadership to move forward together willingly on the proposition is a great first step to a successful digital transformation.


Together with the change in organizational mindset is the injection of an innovative culture. Digital transformation cannot go without the culture of innovation. The challenges of the pandemic called for innovative leaders who can lead the charge in adapting to the sudden changes by taking advantage of opportunities of accelerated Internet use. Technological innovations are there for the taking. Financial innovators have got their minds running with excitement as they press on with new models of serving their clientele. Cultures that are rigid may not last long-standing beside competitive innovations. The growing demands of clients’ digital experience in their day-to-day life, such as hailing a cab or punching grocery items from an online shop, must be the wake-up call to be up to the task to the needs of a growing digitally savvy clientele.

Systems Upgrade

In the financial world, many still employ obsolete processes and systems that already proved detrimental to the financial health of banks and clients overall. Upgrading systems like the adoption of cloud computing and doing away with bulky paperwork can speed up processes and allow banks to become more agile without spending much. Actually. Legacy systems are expensive to maintain, and much spending is dedicated to their maintenance. An Increment upgrade is one of the solutions to get digital transformation going.

Leveraging Technology

Digitally transforming an organization requires patience as the injection of new technologies into the system is a slow process. One technology at a time so as not to disrupt processes and interrupt the status quo is a good start with the end in mind that sooner all later, all areas are digitally covered. The digital presence of a client is now possible with mobile apps, whereas they find no need anymore of waiting long lines in a bank branch just to transact a simple home loan or open an account. Client information and data storage with full safety and security is now available through cloud computing. This makes it possible for organizations to attend to their clientele with faster and more efficient services. AI, or artificial intelligence, can take care of customer service to respond to basic inquiries anytime, anywhere, saving precious time from attending humans who can be tasked with the more important things. Siri, Alexa, and Erica are efficient game-changing solutions of voice technologies that are growing in popularity among users. The Internet of Things like sensors and cams are interconnectivity that can allow banking transactions to transpire regarding payments, loans, savings, and investments. The distributed ledger technology of blockchain gives the clientele the empowerment to have control over their data with ease as they utilize smart contracts for loan applications. Fifth-generation wireless technology (5G) will enable full-speed transmission of data and interconnectivity which makes client interaction more valuable than before.

Skills Upgrade

Organizations need not look beyond to maintain digitalization for the long haul. Retraining and reskilling the present workforce to become digitally savvy is a must to maintain the inculcation of an innovative culture. Employees will appreciate it more after initial resistance that their services to people can actually be sped up or done more efficiently. Hiring outside experts may be for a time an immediate need, say like 22 personnel to man upgraded systems. In the end, not only digital skills will be required to run the organization but those who already knew how the business runs will become indisposable. Learning, after all, is a life-long process.

Optimum Customer Experience

Customer experience in different fields was upgraded since the pandemic started, and it seems like it will only increase as time goes by. Digital engagement is fast becoming the norm. Therefore, the use of data and analytics through integrated technologies must be in place to understand consumer behavior and to act and respond accordingly.

In Possession of Big Data

Customers’ newfound romance with digital technology makes them entitled, that banks, with all the data with them, must anticipate their needs. This calls for organizations to be data and analytics experts, personalizing and customizing products according to each client’s lifestyle, behaviors, wants, and needs. Digital banking can make this possible.


Banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions who wish to survive the ongoing upheaval must be decisive enough to embark on a digital journey to even see the light of day. The core components mentioned above are foundations that can be built upon according to each one’s vision and mission. Changes cannot be rushed in this case, but procrastinating may not also be an option as digital progress does not sleep. Rust never sleeps, too. Evolution is a matter of survival. Staying relevant is the name of the game.

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Digital Banking Transformation was originally published in The Capital on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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