Why UrGaming Can Be Interesting to Investors

Why UrGaming Can Be Interesting to Investors

Today the game industry is on an incredible upswing. Millions of gamers around the world are enjoying realistic games with unforgettable emotions.

But it’s only emotions… As for the profit, it is taken away by the big companies that produce computer games. The project urgaming.io decided to correct this deficiency. The main objective of this project is to support professional players as well as game content creators, through which the latter will be able to earn good money on computer games.

Analysis of the Project from a Famous Blogger

The popular blogger under the pseudonym VoskCoin, who has 390000 subscribers on Youtube, has always been interested in the possibilities of the crypto industry and the release of new tokens. The UrGaming project interested him so much that he decided to analyze it in detail, and here are the conclusions he came to:

“The UrGaming token was created to support the gaming community and gamers who are having trouble generating income during their careers. I’ve created streams myself and recorded a few YouTube videos, but they didn’t bring me any income. As for games, I’ve always enjoyed playing them and wouldn’t mind if I could make some income from it. This platform will open up completely new opportunities for gamers and game content creators. They even want to create a game university and allow game content creators to offer their games and courses, monetizing their work faster and more efficiently”.

Token for Real Players

The creators of UrGaming claim their token could revolutionize the gaming industry. Why not? Because instead of using fiat money and wasting your time and paying a high commission, it’s much easier to use a digital token for almost any game-related transaction. In addition, by investing in this token, in the future, when it appears on cryptocurrency exchanges, you will be able to earn on the difference in exchange rates or invest in it in order to get a long-term profit, applying the “buy and hold” strategy.

But the most important thing is that you can already buy this token on PancakeSwap today.

How Can This Project be Interesting to an Investor?

The UrGaming project is unlikely to go unnoticed by cryptocurrency investors, and there are several reasons for that:

The right choice of niche. As we said before, gaming has become even more popular today than a few years ago. This guarantees a good growth potential for the project’s token. Maybe now is the best time to buy this token (not a recommendation)
Clear mission and goals. The project website clearly states its goals and main missions, which include creating a community to support content creators and professional players, creating an online platform for selling digital products, as well as sponsoring international competitions.
Roadmap. Thanks to the roadmap, the investors of this project can understand the future vision of the creators of the project and the direction in which they plan to develop. This is very important, because you can’t get anywhere if you don’t have a goal.
Clear tokenomics of the project and the availability of all documentation. All of these documents can be found on the website urgaming.io.
The project team is happy to get in touch with their users. All information about the team is also available on the website, and they are not hiding under pseudonyms, there is detailed information about each participant, as well as contacts for communication.

But the most important thing is that this project is supported by an incredibly large gaming community, which believes in it and expects further development.

Why UrGaming Can Be Interesting to Investors

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